Sunday, January 13, 2008

Just A Note...

Well, looks like this challenge has come to an end. It was a lot of fun to do. I'm happy with the way it ended. I'm not sure what I will do with Angel's children. I may just make them all townies and enjoy watching them from time to time as they enter and exit the lives of my other sims. Or...I may decide to play some of them...or all of them...eventually. Guess we'll all have to just wait and see.


More than likely though...if you find yourself restless one night and unable to sleep. Drive up the the know the one...the one right beside the cemetery. You just may see Angel walking around outside. She may even be looking for YOU!


If you're out on the town, you may run across Angel and Jan...especially at the "Crypt O' Night Club." Just look for them smokin' up the dance floor. But....just don't get too close!

New Home

Angel and Jan moved into a new home. It's located up on the hill....
....and right beside the cemetery. Angel can visit there any time she likes.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Jan Tellerman/Vampire

Jan joined Angel and is now a vampire. They can now live forever....together...young and beautiful.

Angel and Jan Marry

The Beautiful Brides.

Saying Goodbye

Angel and Jan entered the little graveyard to pay their last respects. Jan then moved all the graves to the "Lost Souls Cemetery."

Juliet Slayer/Eleventh Child

Angel's eleventh (and last) child was Juliet. Juliet's "other" mother is Jan Tellerman.
LTW: To have 6 pets reach the top of their career. Juliet is a fortune sim.
Libra, 5 neat, 8 outgoing, 3 active, 8 playful, 10 nice.

Iva Geoa Slayer/Tenth Child

Angel's tenth child was Iva Geoa. Her father is Justus Gray.
LTW: Woo-Hoo with 20 different sims. She is (surprise) a Romance sim.
Sagittarius, 4 neat, 4 outgoing, 9 active, 7 playful, 1 nice.

Heinrich Slayer/Ninth Child

Heinrich was Angel's ninth child. His father is Blake Wilson.
LTW: To reach the top in the Education field. Heinrich is a knowledge sim.
Scorpio, 10 neat, 7 outgoing, 9 active, 3 playful, 1 nice.

Gretchen Slayer/Twin/Number Eight

Gretchen was Angel's eighth child, the second born of the only set of twins Angel had. Her father is the repo man (I called him Sam Repo.)
LTW: To reach the top of a Journalism career. Gretchen is a popularity sim.
Gemini, 5 neat, 8 outgoing, 10 active, 7 playful, 3 nice.

Grace Slayer/Twin/Seventh Child

Grace was one of the only set of twins that Angel had. Her sister is Gretchen. Her father is the repoman...which I called Sam Repo.
LTW: To reach the top in a Law career. Grace is a popularity sim.
Scorpio, 10 neat, 8 outgoing, 9 active, 8 playful, 0 nice.

Franklin Slayer/Sixth Child

Franklin was Angel's sixth child. His "other" mother is Amanda Cox.
LTW: To be Chief of Staff. Franklin is a knowledge sim.
Virgo, 10 neat, 1 outgoing, 9 active, 10 playful, 3 nice.

Elijah Slayer/Fifth Child

Elijah was Angel's fifth child. His father is Dorian Trottier.
LTW: To be a Criminal Mastermind. He is a Fortune sim.
Scorpio, 10 neat, 3 outgoing, 9 active, 3 playful, 1 nice.

Dick Slayer/Fourth Child

Dick Slayer was Angel's fourth child. His "other" mother is Marisa Bendett.
LTW: To reach the top in the Education field. He is a Knowledge sim.
Scorpio, 10 neat, 7 outgoing, 9 active, 3 playful, 1 nice.

Crystal Slayer/Third Child

Crystal Slayer was Angel's third child. Her father is Renaud Hutchins.
LTW: Have 6 grandchildren. Crystal is a Family sim.
Gemini, 4 neat, 10 outgoing, 9 active, 4 playful, 1 nice.

Bambi Slayer/Second Born

Bambi Slayer was Angel's second child. Her "other" mother is Sierra Tan.
LTW: To own 5 top level businesses. She is a Popularity sim.
Gemini, 5 neat, 8 outgoing, 9 active, 4 playful, 6 nice.

Andrew Slayer/First Born

Andrew Slayer. First born child of Angel Slayer and Andrew Midlock.
LTW: To reach the top in Journalism. He is a Knowledge sim.
Capricorn, 9 neat, 8 outgoing, 2 active, 5 playful, 6 nice.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Last Ones...Off To College

Heinrich leaves for college.
Iva Geoa leaves for college.
Juliet leaves for college. It's interesting, cuz there's snow on the ground, yet none of them chose to put on a coat???


Just thought this picture of Juliet was kind of "quirky."
Iva Geoa is going to have to learn to be nicer, or she may have a rough life indeed.

Teenager Juliet Slayer

Juliet blew out the candles. Once she's a teen, I will send all three of them off to college.
Juliet Slayer...sans glasses.
Juliet after makeover. I made her a fortune sim. I'm happy with the way she grew up. A beauty she'll never be...but...she can be smart and make her own fortune. Who needs a guy anyway???

The Girls

Jan Tellerman, Juliet, Angel, and standing is Iva Geoa. I'm not sure which ghost that is they are looking at.

Teenager Iva Geoa

Angel's last three children who remain at home: Heinrich, Juliet, and Iva Geoa (birthday girl).
Iva least she's trying to smile.
Iva Geoa Slayer. Yes, I definately see a resemblance between her and older sister Crystal.